Thursday, June 18, 2009

Contradictions with Salience

A hanging bat under a breezy midday sun
Blinded by the god of pharaoh
20 paces to the beach
Sand scorches the feet
Urine soaks the air and plunges lungs into the depths of water’s history
Purple flowers line the railroad tracks
4 feet wing spans on a bat?
It’s nice to see bouganvilliers again
A camel on the right, a horse on the left and emaciated cows everywhere
Carts so overloaded they can’t possibly be pulled by a man
The sea is cold when the wind picks up
Sometimes I can cry
Any time of the day I can step outside into the warm tropics
Large Chinese fishing nets are fading into the past
How does a man fall asleep standing?
Roaches come out of the crevices of the trains at every station
How many contradictions can one pile on top of another?
Mountains soaked in white and a lake made invisible by hanging water
I have to work
Can one drown by breathing in the pungent odor of urine?
Can feces be the national bird of a country?
The train doors are open and my legs are hanging in the wind
It’s so gray here. Gray and brown
So many people, so little contact
Why is this man waking me up?
I have to leave, I’ve used up too much electricity
You can add a foreigner to the list of the homeless tonight
I don’t think I can go another 2 months
I’m so bored, I’m so exhilarated
New years eve with strangers in a strange land
The red of pan
The colors of the desert, yellow is just the base on which the rainbow is built
The weed here is mild but I’m crazy stoned
When do I get out of this place?
I’m tired and I need a shower
The water here is cold and I can see my own breath
A faron and some kawava and I’m ready for the day
I can’t believe someone thought they should add salt to tea
Another chai stop
The dogs are thin but the beach life seems to suit them
I’m home and so far away
How many fish can still be left in the seas?
No, I won’t pay more than 500 rupees my friend, thank you
12 dollars
I’m broke but I’m just a walking wallet
And no, I have no chapatti
Chicken on a bed of rice sounds wonderful
salam alykum in this part
The charas is so chanti
Indian sweets suck
800 miles to go
There’s no more time left
How much longer can this cliff be a home to this town?
It’s incredible how much green there is here, how much water
Pigeons fly in circles at the will of a man
How does one win at this?
Yes, I often eat leftovers from a previous day, we don’t always cook every day
I’d like to buy a place here one day
I could never live here
I’m rich again
There is no way we’re going to get to see a tiger people
It’s so nice to see everyone again
I wish I could smoke openly, but it’s too weird
I’m so free here, in many ways so much more me
It’s almost time to go but I just got here
I wish I could hang glide
10 o’clock and the music stops, in the land of goa psy
I should have gone to see the banyan tree
There’s just not enough time
I have to work again
I’m only getting 20kb/s, I’m going to be here all day
I feel like watching tv
Monkeys on the terrace and an elephant just last night
Bureaucracy is superficial and loopholes are law
Time is up, 36 hours of transportation, a moustache I can taste, brown on my face and body, dirt is a state of mind, and I miss it already.
How do you define salience?


Anonymous said...

how are you?

This post was interesting, how long did it take you to write?

vij'n said...

Well, just sat down one night and about 45 minutes later, this was the result. Was fun to write. Thanks for your comment.

Anonymous said...

Great post, I am almost 100% in agreement with you